Have you ever felt literally so close to God that you feel like you could just jump entirely out of your skin and go up into the heavens to be with Him? Where standing, raising your hands, shouting in tongues and lifting up your voice just aren't enough anymore. You feel so bound to this world but so wanting to escape and enter into heavenly realms and touch God, hear God, see God and know Him. When you're filled with so much joy unspeakable that you feel like you're going to die, because your fallen frame can't contain it all, and you don't even know why it's happening. When the Kingdom of God has hit the very inner-most part of your existence that you thought no one would be able to reach, and you've been completely ruined. No longer are you focused on this world. No longer can it contain you. God has quite literally stolen your heart, and you have to fight and wrestle Him and pursue Him with everything you are and have to get it back, purely refined in supernatural form, wrapped around in a glorified, intensified, resurrected body.
It's when you realize that you're a foreigner in this land, because you were created for another existence altogether. It's when you realize that Heaven and Earth were created to be melded together as one actuality, all glorifying Christ, the King. And you realize that it's your job and profession and career for the rest of your life to lay down every dream, passion, and goal so that your sole mission is seeing it come to pass. When every suffering is counted as joy and every joy is counted unto Glory. When you've voluntarily laid down financial gain, social status, and every-day pleasures that even normal God-fearing individuals enjoy–all to pursue one thing–then you understand what I've just tapped into. You understand and have tasted from the rare pools of God that few have found, and fewer have thrown themselves in. If you haven't experienced this, then I humbly invite you in. The waters are deep and furious, untamed and unknown, but I guarantee you will find the stuff that created you, and the stuff you were created for.
This is where I am found–somewhere far above this world, yet eons from reaching God; somehow bound to this world still, but waiting for God to release me. I am a pilgrim in a land that is not my own, because I've been designed for another age. Every moment my body cringes, every second my soul cries out for God. The things of this time will pass away... I don't want this world or it's riches; I've found something far higher in worth, and it's value is made of the stuff of eternity. Billions and billions upon billions and billions of years from now, what will your riches be? What will your money be? Nothing more than Dust....... Dust.