The reason that I vote singularly and entirely upon moral issues is simple. If our nation is in right standing with God, then we need not worry about things such as foreign relations - God will protect us and keep us in right standing. We need not worry about economic policies - the Lord will keep our economy stable. Indeed, we don't need to worry about anything, because we have found perfect peace with the Creator, Yahweh, Almighty God, and He is the one who raises up kings and lowers them down. And ultimately, Jesus Christ is the King of this world, and of the increase of His government there shall be no end.
Now, I understand that this is a double-edged sword, and that we not only need a righteous ruler, but we also need the people of this nation to turn in repentance and ask God for forgiveness as well. But I guarantee you, a righteous-standing President is a step in the right direction, and although no candidate is perfect, I must act upon what I've stated here, and vote for Sarah Palin and John McCain because of those very reasons. And, if you truly want to see our nation end abortion and take a step in the right direction, I humbly suggest you make the same choice.