It is only a glimmer's moment
A fragrant of a chance
A minute at most.
We exist in evaporating bodies
Dust and bones, most of us dead and unliving
But for the breath of God that fills us few
The nonforsaken chosen ones that God chooses for mercy
One day I'll give away this bag of bones
And on that day I'll receive something new
Something that is unevaporatable, unchanging, unshifting
A new body, in a new world, serving a new kingdom
No pain, guilt, frustration will exist
No ulterior motives, no fleshly desires
No sin. No sin. No sin.
Totally free, without blemish, and no temptation
To dream of that day is just that: a dream.
It seems so impossible, and so unattainable
But one day it will be so
And there's nothing you can do
Sin will not win. Satan will suffer. And I will live on.
But until then, I will live in this body of evaporation.
I will endure.
I will withstand.
I will fall. I will fail. I will succumb.
But then
I will get up.
And I will press on.
And one day
I will overcome.