But we forget about it. We shrug it off by lunch time and go on with life as usual. And then when situations, problems and the like arise, we don't reflect on His love; we just ask Him for help. We don't remember His promises; we just plead our case as if we have to convince Him of something or some reason why we should be defended or why we shouldn't be suffering this incident or why so-and-so makes so much more money than us or why I'm stuck in this circumstance when he or she has the easy life!
What if instead of pleading with God as a taskmaster or a judge or an intermediator, we realized that He actually loves us? So often we drone through life as a slave, when God wants us to realize that we are in-fact, sons and heirs. We think that; if just maybe we can get God's attention, and then pour our situation over Him and explain it to Him, that just maybe He'll plead our case. But we—I, tend to think that I don't deserve it. Well guess what? I'm right. I don't deserve it—but there's more. He loves me. And He wants to bless me—not because I deserve it, but because He wants to. He will plead my case for me because I am His son, and I've been adopted in to His kingdom. But an adopted son has just as much right as any other son! I have, therefore, direct access to my Father's kingdom—His assets, His finances, His dwelling, His rest—I have it all. And yet day after day I disqualify myself and sleep in a dumpster out in the slums while my comfortable, kingly bed sits vacant, gathering dust. It's time to stand on the promises of His word.
Romans 8:38-39 provides us with such a crystal clear promise:
"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
God's love empowers us. It stands strong in the midst of every faltering thing. I am not defined by my employment, nor by the wages I make. My identity isn't found in my surroundings, or bad circumstances currently affecting me. My resolve is not made weak by financial debt, oppression from the enemy, or false accusations from those around me. It surpasses my weak understanding, surrounds me with joy and peace. My identity, my definition, who I am, is grounded in Him.
And with that reality fully recognized, the fact that there's nothing God can't do becomes "personalized", and suddenly takes on new meaning. Now, there's nothing God can't do in my life. He loves me, and He wants to bless me; and because of the covenant He made with me—that I made with Him, He has sworn to me that He will watch over me, protect me, provide for me financially, direct me spiritually, and be my source and my all.
Everything I have is His, and by divine exchange, everything He has is now mine. What else do I need to worry about? Nothing.