Friday, August 27, 2010

Giving "All that's Inside of my Heart"

There's a song that one of my favorite IHOP–KC artists (Jon Thurlow) sings, that goes a little something like this:

"For all your fountains are in me,
and I have everything you need.
Just keep coming back to Me.

And those who call upon My name
they will not be put to shame.
Just keep coming back to Me.

Cast all your cares on Me,
cause I care for you, I care for you.
Just keep coming back to Me."

This song cries out inside of me every day, as I find myself going after insuperior pleasures that this world has to offer. It inspires me, however, remembering that no matter where I go or what I do, all of my fountains are in God. I am confidently at the place in my life where I know that nothing else can satisfy me like His presence. Whenever I have any situation or problem or life circumstance going on, I am reminded of this song (and verse Psalm 87:7), that all my fountains are in Him, and though I continually stray every day, I have no other choice but to return to Him, because He is the source that keeps me alive.

Please understand me that when I write this, I don't mean to sound so cliche or use overly-used Christianized words. When I write this, I mean to tell you, the reader, that I have tapped into something that simply cannot be expressed in words. God is not the means by which I "cope" with life, or "make it through, just barely." He is the reason that I am living life at all, and everything I do must be unto Him. He is my water, my food, the air that I breathe and the substance that I need to be anything more than a walking zombie on this earth.

So, bearing those thoughts in mind, what does it mean to 'give all that's inside of my heart'? Does that mean you must live a dry, dull life, go to church on Sunday, and be a good "Christian" (I'd like to pick apart the word "Christian" as well—but we'll save that for another blog)? One could say yes to a few of those, with some explanation, but I want to expand your mind here. Living a life where you give all that's inside of your heart simply means being fully abandoned to the will of God, which means being open to listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit when He's talking to you. It means positioning your heart so that His will becomes higher than your own selfish will. And it's not easy to do (and I am by no means fully to that point either). Anyway, that's all I have for now. I hope you enjoy my ramblings.

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