Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Becoming a Voice

Wrap Your Word around my face, that I may feel your embrace,
Blind me with the light of your law, that I may gaze in awe,
Do not forget me O Lord, when you cast me into the wilderness.

As I enter unknown land, may I learn to make a stand,
And the ecstasy of Your glory once touched, now become too much (or not enough),
Remember me O Lord, when you find me in the wilderness.

And as I ascribe all that I have to you, I would but glow a brighter hue,
Not me, but you inside, that I may be prepared a spotless bride.
Send me a messenger O Lord, when you see me in this wilderness.

Lord, let my words be few, but let the impact be great. I don't want to name that I'm alive if I'm dead on the inside. If all I am is words - they will be forgotten. If all I do is speak - it's echoes will fall to dust. I don't want a voice. I want to BE the voice. That I might die entirely, every day, willingly enter into the place of that wilderness where God can take hold of me and speak through me and dwell in me. That I may be open to the Lord sending me a messenger who would tell me what I am living for - for one moment, and seeing it fulfilled. That I absolutely WILL NOT give the enemy any ground, and will not turn rocks into bread - but would wait for the angelic food that is to come. That in the latter days when all is ground to dust and trials and tribulations break loose on this earth - I will have the KEY, the manual, the guideline - to living out the second book of Acts.

I am not the prophet of old you look for. I am not the messiah you're seeking after. I'm the voice of the one crying out in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord.

I am a forerunner. One of many. One of few. And I choose to eat the scroll.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innocent Blood (An Open Letter to ALL who Vote)

In the past few weeks, I've heard people discussing abortion, and many other issues in America. To my surprise, I've discovered that many people are voting based upon other issues that they think are more important than the issue of abortion. I found it absolutely shocking the lack of knowledge that people have, within Christendom, about the shedding of innocent blood, and how it affects every other issue in the nation. Most of this blog was written in response to another blog posted by a friend of mine (after seeing the amazingly uninformed responses to it - from both sides), but it has been edited and turned into an open letter to anyone and everyone who believes that they should sacrifice the vote of LIFE for "more important" issues.

Most people who oppose the abolishing of abortion, or even agree with it but don't find it a pressing issue (or think other issues are more important), will first justify their opinion by stereotyping everyone who is absolutely against abortion by assuming that they just have a political agenda or are apathetic in their opinions (don't actually do anything about it). Many of their opinions are being expressed with the predisposition that those who are against abortion aren't doing anything about it, and don't care about every other pressing issue in society today. As one of many forerunners in the spirit of John the Baptist, crying out in the wilderness for justice in the nations and the return of Jesus Christ, I humbly disagree.

In my own life, the Lord has burdened my heart for justice in every avenue. I’ve been constantly burdened with the issues of sexual slavery in human trafficking, the oppression of peoples in different nations (Tibet and China, for example), innocent bloodshed and massive holocausts, wars and rumors of wars, and many other present issues – and as an intercessory missionary, it is my career and privilege to stand in the International House of Prayer day and night, and pray for the Lord’s justice in the nations concerning these matters. I believe that prayer is the single most important thing that will resolve these problems - and though I'm sure I'll have many shouts of agreement, the sad fact is almost no one prays for these issues in their personal time with God, or even corporately! Just as bad, they don't even research it for themselves and get the excruciating facts of the present day and age we live in and what's really going on! This is why so many people go astray - finding themselves caught up in humanism (which, although pursues the helping of human-brethren and the bettering of people, is completely absent from God and His Law - i.e. Tower of Babel).

I want to cover the other issues besides abortion before I get into the key issue of America - just so that there's no room for anyone to say that other issues aren't being taken care of or are unimportant: There is an underground prayer movement going on all across the earth, and your local news channel isn't covering it. There are thousands of people that have a burden for the oppressed people of the world - in every single avenue. People are praying for the nations of the world, and crying out for justice in the midst of peril. Teams of people actually going out to rescue human traffic victims and pursue justice in the nations. People are praying for the oppressed, and missionaries are being sent to those nations. Food is being provided. Even from here at IHOP–KC, we have been sending out people, and praying constantly. One absolutely cannot assume that everybody who is against abortion doesn't care about everything else, and just throw them in the same stereotypical bucket, dubbing it "the Republican Party". I am neither a Republican or a Democrat, or even an Independent. I am a Totalitarian—because God is giving the kingdoms of this world to His Son, Jesus Christ, and every nation will be turned over to Him, whether they like it or not. He is the ruler of this World and the only Just King throughout all of history. Neither candidate of this current election is going to fulfill all that they promise. Neither is righteous by any means, nor will either have just reasons for many of their actions if given the position as leader of this nation. Rather than looking at all of the things a candidate promises – all of the changes they plan on making to improve the nation and be the best president this nation has every seen, etc, etc – one must look at the heart issues – the moral issues – the issues that are on God’s heart. And that’s what brings me to my next point.

I want to go into the issue of innocent blood and the reason I will vote solely based upon the issue of abortion. Although abortion is not the only problem going on in our nation, it is the most important right now. God counts the shedding of innocent blood as one of the most vile, evil things a man can do, and a nation will be judged for it. In 2 Samuel 21, the Lord sent a famine for three years throughout the land of Israel because there was innocent bloodshed in Saul’s day, because he slaughtered the Gibeonites. David had to kill the sons of Rizpah and of Merab on the mountain before the Lord in order to appease His anger (immediately following was the first harvest of the year). In Deuteronomy 21, even unsolved murders are so questionable, that they have to measure the distance to every surrounding city of a dead person, and the nearest city has to atone for it with a sacrifice, lest the Lord burn with rage against the nation because of innocent blood. In Psalm 106, the Psalmist writes of the time of Moses, and how the peoples mixed with the nations, served their idols, and sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons, pouring out innocent blood and becoming unclean. This invoked the anger of the Lord and He handed them to the fiercest nations as judgment. Even in the New Testament, Judas throws the thirty pieces of silver back at the priests and proclaims that he has betrayed innocent blood. There are many more scripture references in the Bible pertaining to the issue of innocent blood (Prov. 6:17, Numbers 35:33, Duet. 21:8-9, Ps. 106:35-38, Matthew 27:4, Joel 3:19-21, Jer. 7:5-7, Lam 4:13, Duet 27:25, and more). If abortion is not abolished, judgment will come to America, and war will invade its shores. No one should think that America is different or greater than any other nation throughout history. Babylon was greater than any other nation of its time, and its downfall was swift and strong; it came about like a thief in the night. Even before Babylon, Israel was great and prosperous – but Jeremiah cried out for years while the people falsely prophesied peace and safety. Then it happened in a single unsuspecting day when Babylon invaded and tore down and consumed everything in the land. We must have the wisdom of Daniel in this day and age to listen to the words of the Lord and of His appointed people, and be prepared lest we are lost on that day. This is why abortion is such a pressing issue and why it’s so important right now. It’s not because of some political agenda – it’s because of the law of God. It’s the whole mentality of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” If we overturn abortion, the Lord will have mercy on our nation – and although I agree that to fully end abortion, there must be revelation at the heart level, the nation as a whole will be in right standing with God because it’s laws will be His laws, and He won’t send judgment to the land because of abortion.

I want to also remind people that this issue isn’t hidden from the Lord. It’s not like He doesn’t know about this, and that His heart isn’t burning a million times more than ours are for the unborn children, the poverty-stricken people of the earth, the women and children sold into sexual slavery every day, the oppressed people of many nations by other nations. He has everything figured out in every situation. Abortion is one (huge) part of this, and if Roe v. Wade is turned upside down (which I personally believe it will be), it’s not going to be easy, and it doesn’t just stop there. We must be prepared in this situation to raise these children in the coming times of trouble, and teach them the ways of the Lord. But, I urge you to really stop and think about that. We have the opportunity as a Christian people to raise these children in Godly homes – that they may serve the Lord from birth! That is simply amazing. I question the salvation of anyone who counts that as strife - it is the very message of the gospel. And, in the midst of this, we must not forget the other pressing issues on God’s heart. But, just because we’re dealing with one doesn’t mean we’re forgetting another (they all must be dealt with). However, I guarantee you that if abortion is abolished, we will be on the right track. Just as one example of many, the Lord has placed on Mike Bickle (and another leader here at IHOP–KC - Derek Loux) a Word to raise up a Justice Orphanage Center here in the next few years, where we will be taking in children that are brought into the nation through human trafficking and have no future, as well as children rescued from abortion and ones thrown away by their parents for other various issues. These children will be raised in the house of prayer, and actually learn to play instruments and eventually fuel the prayer movement through prophetic music and prayer, until the return of the Lord. I believe the Lord will place burdens like this one on organizations and people and families all across the nation and world in the coming days and years – as we partner with God to fulfill the coming of His Kingdom here on earth.

To end (and probably offend many people's mindsets): If you vote for anyone who is against LIFE and believes in the freedom of choice of killing innocent lives (even if your reason for voting for them is for other issues), you are responsible and will be held accountable on that day before the Lord. We need to take our membership card to the "Yeah, the Bible says, BUT" club and rip it up in shreds. The Word of God is final. Period. What will you respond with to God when He asks why you were silent during an unprecedented holocaust of 50 million of His children being brutally murdered? Your hands will be dripping with blood.

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it." - Numbers 35:33

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Roaring Silence

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.” - Mother Teresa

Recently, I've come to discover a fast more trying and hard than fasting food - and in some ways, more rewarding. Currently, the Lord has called me to a 7 day speech fast. I've never done a speech fast for more than a day before, and even then horribly messed it up, so this is definitely a new thing for me. As I'm writing this, I am in the middle of day 6. I didn't create this blog to toot my own horn, I created this as a resource for people wondering about speech fasts, and what the point of them is, and whether or not it's a Biblical thing to do, and what the rewards therein are, as well as personal revelation that I received out of the experience.

It is interesting how much idle talk one can find in himself when he actually ceases to speak. For the past few days, I have secluded myself in the form of speech to God alone. I have found this a very difficult thing to do, as pretty much everything around me is screaming out words, words, words. Our entire world is centered around noise. Babble, talk, what-have-you. It is no wonder so many people have such a hard time connecting to God - they don't give Him time to speak back to them. They're (I'm including myself in this) too busy talking about everything and anything, whether it's corrupted speech or pure.

It's amazing how much judgment, strife, anxiety, anger, and sin is born out of simple talk. Conversations seem to be centered around the glorifying of oneself, or another, or the anti-glorification of each. I have noticed this in myself all too much in the past few days - so much so that it absolutely disgusts me. I find myself in conversations that I want to pipe up and include myself in, only afterward seeing how pointless it would have been, or even harmful, if I had actually included myself in the conversation. I've found my hearing more tuned since I cannot speak - and I actually pay attention to the words that most others speak, and more times than not they are rash, rude, and have self-seeking intentions. And it's nothing against those people, because I find it just as much in my own speech now that I've quieted myself down for a little while. So much strife and pain can be instantly stilled by simple silence.

I find it no wonder that the desert fathers were so close to God - they understood the virtue of silence, and even praised it as the safest way to God and salvation:

"I have often repented of having spoken, but never of having remained silent." - Arsenius

The Desert Fathers found three things that were most meaningful in finding God: seclusion, silence, and prayer. Out of these three things, they were able to birth much fruit-bearing ministry, and guided many people, even to this day, in the ways of salvation. The most frequent argument they found for silence is simply that words lead to sin. In the teachings of the Desert Fathers, there are three key aspects of silence that they discovered:

1. Silence makes us pilgrims.

2. Silence guards the fire within.

3. Silence teaches us to speak.

The apostle James had it well-figured out in the New Testament:

"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless." - James 1:26

"And if one does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body." - James 3:2

That was a huge wake-up call for myself. It's not that I had never heard those scriptures before, but that they were finally able to resonate in my soul because of my silence. Just as if I put a bit in a horse's mouth and it obeys me; if I am able to control my tongue, I can control my entire body. I always wondered why so often I struggle with lust and so many other sinful desires, and though I know speech is not the only area, I've now found it to be a huge stronghold!

Here is an interesting quote I found in Henry Nouwen's book, The Way of the Heart, from a Taoist philosopher:

The purpose of a fish trap is to catch fish and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten. The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten. The purpose of the word is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to.

I've been looking for scriptures that talk about speech, the bridling of the tongue and otherwise, and I found the most results to be in King Solomon's teachings. This is no surprise, as one would assume that the wisest man to ever live would have the tongue well figured out. I tried searching on the internet for a resource of scriptures pertaining to speech fasting, and I couldn't find any, so I also made this list (at the bottom of this blog) as an open resource for people. I thank Jesus for teaching me the ways of silence, Henry Nouwen for his wonderful book, The Way of the Heart, and Solomon and James, for their wisdom.

Lastly, I want to encourage anyone and everyone to challenge themselves in their speech. It is evident to me that if you don't actually do something, like silencing yourself for a specific period of time, then you cannot change the way you talk. Think about it, you've been talking for your entire life, even making noises as a baby. Talking goes without even thinking half of the time - until you actually stop the noisy flow coming from your mouth. A speech fast can be done anywhere and everywhere - trust me, even my position requires me to talk to people. I'm a designer, and have to talk to clients about my work, and what they want, and get advice from my superiors, etc. You can still talk - just keep it work-related only. Every other form of speech can be silenced, and you only talk when you know it's absolutely necessary. Trust me, it's worth it. Half the time I've been in this fast, it felt like I was even fasting food, although I wasn't - I reaped the same rewards, and even more.

I think, for the first time, I actually know how to speak.


Psalm 39:1 - "I will keep a muzzle on my mouth... I will watch how I behave and not let my tongue lead me into sin."
Ecclesiastes 3:7 - "A time to keep silence, and a time to speak."
Ecclesiastes 4:6 - "Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and striving after the wind."
Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 - "To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they know not they are doing evil. Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in Heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few. For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words... Let your mouth not lead you into sin, and do not say before the messenger that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry at your voice and destroy the work of your hands?"
Ecclesiastes 6:11 - "The more words, the more vanity, and what is the advantage to man?"
Ecclesiastes 10:12 - "The words of a wise man's mouth win him favor, but the lips of a fool consume him."
Proverbs 2:12 - "My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your ear to understanding..."
Proverbs 4:19 - "Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you."
Proverbs 8:7 - "For my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips."
Proverbs 10:11, 13, 19 - "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life... on the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found... When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent."
Proverbs 11:4 - "With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered."
Proverbs 13:3 - "Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips come to ruin."
Proverbs 14:3 - "By the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them."
Proverbs 15:1-2 - "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly."
Proverbs 15:4 - "A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit."
Proverbs 16:32 - "Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."
Proverbs 17:27-28 - "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."
Proverbs 18:7-8 - "A fool's mouth is his ruin and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down deep."
Proverbs 18:21 - "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruits."
James 1:26 - "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless."
James 3:2 - "And if one does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Of Voting and Politics

The reason that I vote singularly and entirely upon moral issues is simple. If our nation is in right standing with God, then we need not worry about things such as foreign relations - God will protect us and keep us in right standing. We need not worry about economic policies - the Lord will keep our economy stable. Indeed, we don't need to worry about anything, because we have found perfect peace with the Creator, Yahweh, Almighty God, and He is the one who raises up kings and lowers them down. And ultimately, Jesus Christ is the King of this world, and of the increase of His government there shall be no end.

Now, I understand that this is a double-edged sword, and that we not only need a righteous ruler, but we also need the people of this nation to turn in repentance and ask God for forgiveness as well. But I guarantee you, a righteous-standing President is a step in the right direction, and although no candidate is perfect, I must act upon what I've stated here, and vote for Sarah Palin and John McCain because of those very reasons. And, if you truly want to see our nation end abortion and take a step in the right direction, I humbly suggest you make the same choice.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Have you ever felt literally so close to God that you feel like you could just jump entirely out of your skin and go up into the heavens to be with Him? Where standing, raising your hands, shouting in tongues and lifting up your voice just aren't enough anymore. You feel so bound to this world but so wanting to escape and enter into heavenly realms and touch God, hear God, see God and know Him. When you're filled with so much joy unspeakable that you feel like you're going to die, because your fallen frame can't contain it all, and you don't even know why it's happening. When the Kingdom of God has hit the very inner-most part of your existence that you thought no one would be able to reach, and you've been completely ruined. No longer are you focused on this world. No longer can it contain you. God has quite literally stolen your heart, and you have to fight and wrestle Him and pursue Him with everything you are and have to get it back, purely refined in supernatural form, wrapped around in a glorified, intensified, resurrected body.

It's when you realize that you're a foreigner in this land, because you were created for another existence altogether. It's when you realize that Heaven and Earth were created to be melded together as one actuality, all glorifying Christ, the King. And you realize that it's your job and profession and career for the rest of your life to lay down every dream, passion, and goal so that your sole mission is seeing it come to pass. When every suffering is counted as joy and every joy is counted unto Glory. When you've voluntarily laid down financial gain, social status, and every-day pleasures that even normal God-fearing individuals enjoy–all to pursue one thingthen you understand what I've just tapped into. You understand and have tasted from the rare pools of God that few have found, and fewer have thrown themselves in. If you haven't experienced this, then I humbly invite you in. The waters are deep and furious, untamed and unknown, but I guarantee you will find the stuff that created you, and the stuff you were created for.

This is where I am found–somewhere far above this world, yet eons from reaching God; somehow bound to this world still, but waiting for God to release me. I am a pilgrim in a land that is not my own, because I've been designed for another age. Every moment my body cringes, every second my soul cries out for God. The things of this time will pass away... I don't want this world or it's riches; I've found something far higher in worth, and it's value is made of the stuff of eternity. Billions and billions upon billions and billions of years from now, what will your riches be? What will your money be? Nothing more than Dust....... Dust.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When Will The Church Pray?

When will the people of God's church pray?
When this once great nation is fallen?
When it's people are completely broken?
When war enters its land?
When all freedom is stripped away?
When all we have left is God and Him alone?

When will we pray for revival in our churches, cities, states and nation?
When we are no longer legally allowed to?
When our sons and daughters are exiled into slavery across the earth?
When we have so completely sold ourselves out to this world that there's nothing left to turn to?

When will GOD's people wake up and realize the time and generation that they live in?
When will God's people ARISE?

We must stand as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah did in their day and consecrate ourselves before the Lord, and ask for the ability to perceive and gain revelation and knowledge!  Perception is the rarest commodity of all - an understanding of the day and time in which one lives.  That is what we need in our day and time.

2008 is the "year of new beginnings."  Most people would agree that "new beginnings" is a good thing, when the Lord's people would return to their Lord and revival would be poured out in America.  But what if the Lord has a different plan?  What if "new beginnings" means that this nation must end and another must arise?  Don't think for one second that America is any different than any other great nation in history.  We are long overdue for a power-shift in the nations today, and America can fall in a single day from the judgements of God.  Israel saw it in her great day, and Jeremiah warned her for years during peace and prosperity.  When the people did not listen, everything shifted in a single day, and Babylon overtook her in the blink of an eye!  Only four people in all of Israel listened to Jeremiah, and did not bow to false gods when the King of Babylon told them to.

When Katrina came and wiped out New Orleans, America was nearly overwhelmed, and could not even come to that city's aid.  It was the church that sent laborers and workers to aid in the relief.  How much more will America suffer when earthquakes and tremors and violent storms shake this nation in every area everywhere?  California is 20 years overdue for a great earthquake that has shaken them every 40 years since as long as this nation remembers.  The thing with earthquakes is that they continually build up pressure until it's finally released - how much more when it's 20 years overdue?  There have been prophecies concerning this and many other natural disasters - a great earthquake in the midwest, floods and hurricanes and violent storms.  How much more will America suffer if she can't contain her own borders from the vengeance of God?  How much more open will she be to attacks from her countless enemies if she's busy attending to her own wounds?  I have heard from many numerous people that 2008 is our final call for revival, our final waiting for the outpouring of the Spirit.  If we do not consecrate ourselves with fasting and intercession, we may have as little as 5 months before these disasters start pouring out.  America could no longer be a world power by the end of this year.

Israel has America as its closest ally.  The trouble is, Israel is now bowing down to the gods of the western world (i.e. "sex, drugs and rock & roll").  Our God is a jealous God, and He will not share His Holy Temple with this idolatry.  If America is partially responsible for leading God's chosen people astray, how much more will His wrath be poured out upon us?  When will the people of this nation wake up and realize that we are in the FINAL HOUR?  We are in the most important time of our nation, that will literally decide our future.  If we don't stand now, who will?  When will the Jeremiahs start proclaiming in the streets for this nation to turn to the Lord?  When will the Daniels stand up and not make concessions with darkness?  When will the Davids seek after the heart of the Lord and call upon His name?  When will this nation pray to the God of Heaven and Earth, repent of its transgressions, and ask the Lord to send revival to this land?  It's time for us to pray.

08.16.08 TheCall DC - A Solemn Assembly

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Lion and The Stream

"Are you not thirsty?" said the Lion
"I'm dying of thirst," said Jill.
"Then drink," said the Lion.
"May I—could I—would you mind going away while I do?,” said Jill.
The Lion answered this only by a look and a very low growl. And as Jill gazed at its motionless bulk, she realized that she might as well have asked the whole mountain to move aside for her convenience.
The delicious rippling noise of the stream was driving her nearly frantic.
“Will you promise not to—do anything to me, if I do come?,” said Jill.
“I make no promise,” said the Lion.
Jill was so thirsty now that, without noticing it, she had come a step nearer.
Do you eat girls?,” she said
“I have swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings and emperors, cities and realms,” said the Lion. It didn’t say this as if it were boasting, nor as if it were sorry, nor as if it were angry. It just said it.
“I daren’t come and drink,” said Jill.
“Then you will die of thirst,” said the Lion.
“Oh dear!,” said Jill, coming another step nearer. “I suppose I must go and look for another stream then.”
There is no other stream,” said the Lion.

The Silver Chair
Chapter 2

The Mountain

"Here on the mountain I have spoken to you clearly: I will not often do so down in Narnia. Here on the mountain, the air is clear and your mind is clear; as you drop down into Narnia, the air will thicken. Take great care that it does not confuse your mind. And the signs which you have learned here will not look at all as you expect them to look, when you meet them there. That is why it is so important to know them by heart and pay no attention to appearances. Remember the signs and believe the signs. Nothing else matters."

The Silver Chair
Chapter 2

When it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is faith. Child-like faith. With faith you can move mountains. With faith you can walk through the grocery store, find someone with a blind eye, pray for them, and watch it heal before your own eyes. With faith, you can give someone a prophetic word from the Lord and watch their lives change instantly. With faith you can discern spirits and cast them out of people and free them from bondage. With faith you can discern the Spirit and communicate with the Lord. With child-like faith. Remember the signs and believe the signs. Nothing else matters.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Prayer of Jabez

It's so amazing what can be expounded on one singular verse in scripture - and oh how much more when it's a prayer; a deep cry from your very soul to the very heart of Yahweh God, The Great I AM.

The Prayer of Jabez is hidden in 1 Chronicles 4:10 in the Old Testament. Right in the middle of who begot who and who begot who, Jabez is born out of pain from his mother. But, he was more honorable than his brothers, and cried out to the Lord for blessing:

“Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”

And God heard his request, and granted it unto him! How powerful is that? God heard him and answered him, only because he asked of the Lord! He had faith to believe that God would answer his cry, and did not depend on the things of this passing world. He cried out to the God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham for blessing, and the Lord heard his plea and came down and answered him!

When I have been outcast by all, and none will even look upon me, or I am in my greatest need, this prayer, coming from deep within touches the very Heart of God. "Ooooooooooooooooh Lord, that you would BLESS me INDEED. God, expand my boundaries! Lord, that your hand would be with me at all times, and that you would keep me from wicked and perverse ways! Let me not cause pain, but protect me with your strong and mighty arm! God, You love me, if You didn't love me, You wouldn't have died for me. That proved Your ultimate love for me, Lord. That though I'm worth nothing, You gave Your very life down for me and cherish me to the uttermost!"

The great power in prayer that the enemy tries to keep secret from us is that in those times in which we pray and feel nothing, cry out to Yahweh God and get no response, lay flat on our faces before the Lord Almighty in times of greatest distress and He appears not to be there—those are actually the most meaningful prayers to the Lord. He collects our tears in His bottle, and He does not forget them! He knows our inner-most being and all our thoughts, and it's when we go through those dry seasons where we can't even find what God is trying to tell us, and can't feel Him at all, that God listens to us the most. For when we find that we rely on God not by the circumstances surrounding us or the feelings we receive on the inside, but on the very basis of belief, is when He looks down and smiles upon us, and answers our feeble cries for help. That is the truth of absolute faith.


P.S. Sorry for the blog drought, my schedule is absolutely packed right now. I'm working on a two-part blog right now that will be out soon - and for all you supporters I'm trying to get my next support letter done, hopefully I'll have it out by April 15th! I'm so sorry it isn't already out, but there will be some huge updates in it with where God is directing me and what He's been doing the past couple of months in my life!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Modern Day Slavery (WARNING - Textually Graphic)

Looking back into the pages of history, one may recall the horrendous and evil persecution of African Americans throughout the spotted and darker areas of America's history, as well as other nations' histories across the world.

Most assume that today such slavery tactics have ended, and we have finally come to accept all humanity as an equal people in modern-day society. But yet there is a huge spike stuck in the side of the nations today, that is ever-growing into a huge monstrosity of modern-day slavery across the entire globe. This issue is human trafficking - the forced prostitution of women and even children by organized crime.

While we sit in our homes, enjoying our modern, westernized lives, women and children across the world in broken nations are being captured and tossed into absolute chaos, where their worst nightmares have become their very lives. They are sold as slaves, into a life of prostitution and rape. Their lives are literally stripped away, and their existence is wiped from the face of society. They are a tool for wicked men who have been raised up in a pornographically plagued society that are now attempting to fulfill their sexual fantasies and desires by destroying women and children's lives.

One might ask, how do these women fall into these traps? Across eastern europe and many other nations, wicked men put advertisements in newspapers and media, promising women who can't even make their daily worth of food well-paying nanny, waitress, modeling, and other jobs. These women take the opportunities, and fly out to other countries for these positions, are ushered into a vehicle willingly, and rushed immediately to brothels and sex industries, where they are repeatedly gang-raped until they are completely broken emotionally. They are then committed to a lifestyle of daily prostitution, being sold on the market for rape and forced sex up to 10 times day. This is only one method of many used to trap women into these organizations.

Most of this prostitution is unprotected. This leads to pregnancy. The mistresses then have them abort every pregnancy each woman has. Most women get pregnant on average about 10 times a year. That's 10 abortions per year, per slave. There are about 27 million women in human trafficking today. Do the math. That is, on average, 270 MILLION abortions PER YEAR! There have been approximately 49 million abortions in America alone since Roe v. Wade. Human Trafficking over doubles those 35 years-worth of abortions in just ONE year across the world, every year. These issues go hand-in-hand, and demonically feed each other in the spiritual realm.

That's not even the end of it. In many countries, such as Russia, Cambodia, etc - children in a broken society are kidnapped and taken advantage of, and sold into human-trafficking as well - boys and girls alike. Most people pay a premium for children, as they are a highly-desired sexual fantasy among many men.

Human Trafficking is the third-most profitable business in the world. The first two being arms and narcotics. However, Human Trafficking is ever-growing among the other two, and is expected to overtake them both. The reason for this is simple: Dealing arms and narcotics, it is easy to get in trouble with the law, or caught dealing them. Human Trafficking is different because it is a service, and is much harder to get in trouble with the law - especially because most governments are corrupt enough to allow or even comply with these crime-run businesses, because it improves their economy and attracts people to their countries.

People, we need to WAKE UP. Women and children are having their lives torn apart and destroyed by these wicked men. This is no small issue - we should be crying out within our inner-man! We cannot let this wickedness run throughout the earth. We must present a voice for those who cannot. We must stand up for what is right. It is not fair that I am sitting here typing this on my computer in the comfort of my own home while some little nine-year old girl in Ukraine is being stripped and forced to do untold things for a man who's paid to have her for the evening! IT ISN'T FAIR! I won't stand for this any longer! People, we need to not just pray, we need to live in a lifestyle of intercession! We must present this case before God and beg for His mercy!

God, wake us up oh Lord! Take off the rose-colored glasses that we've let taint our view of what's going on in the world today! Let us not be caught up in this westernized life, not caring about the lives of others! Save these people, oh God, bring your justice, send your mercy! How long, oh Lord, must this go on? How long, oh Lord, will you let wickedness run throughout the earth? How long oh LORD! We need you to come and deal with this, set these women and children free! Don't forget the unheard voice of all these aborted babies who have missed out on their lives before they were even born! Don't forget the voice of all these women and children trapped in these Hellish lives run by wicked men across the earth! Set them free, Lord, set them free and bring your justice, oh God! Let this cry out within our very souls, Lord! God, end abortion and end human trafficking, and send revival to the nations of the earth, in Jesus' name!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Apple of the Eye

When You've been broken
Broken to pieces
And your heart begins to faint
'Cause you don't understand
And when there is nothing
To reap from the ashes
And you can't even walk
Onto the fields of praise

But I bow down and kiss the Son...
Oh I bow down and kiss the Son

When the rock falls
Falls upon you
And you get no music for the pain
You open the windows
The windows of heaven
And then you hold me
And you crush me like a rose

Let the praise of the Lord be in my mouth....
Let the praise of the Lord be in my mouth....

Though You slay me I will trust You, Lord
Though You slay me I will trust You, Lord

I love this song, because though God may even take my very life and slay me, yet I've had to learn to trust in Him always. It's funny how when you ask God to show up, He does, and yet you're wowed by Him anyway, as if you didn't expect Him to. I guess it's because sometimes we think that His ways are like our ways, and that He's some weak human soul like we are, when in reality, He's the uncreated God, and He is absolutely unlike us in EVERY way. It's amazing!

Tonight I had to surrender so many things to the Lord. And the funny thing is, I thought they were things that I had already surrendered to Him before. I've been so back and forth lately with my feelings, and haven't really trusted in God lately when it comes to relationships. I've been seeking after my heart's desires rather than trusting in God to provide them for me. I know that He knows what I want, and I know that He will provide when He knows the time is right for me, but in my broken human nature, I fall at times. But God is always there to pick me back up again. God's been teaching me to trust in Him solely for everything. Tonight during FCF service, I broke down and began to lay everything out on the altar (which was the back of the room for me). I went over there and just sat down in a little ball and surrendered everything I had to Him. People were dancing all around me, worshiping God. While I was pouring everything out, a strange thing happened. I felt wind circling around me and could feel people swishing past me. A thought occurred to me that the people dancing might be actually dancing in a circle around me. I squinted my eyes open and saw them passing me, all around, and passing me again - they were! They were laughing and singing and dancing around me in a big circle - or so it seemed. In actuality, as I later discovered, they were moving in the shape of an eye, due to the momentum of the dancing, and I was the center of the eye - the pupil. I began to laugh and be filled with the joy of the Spirit as this happened, and felt such a huge release within me that resonated in every part of me!

Once the worship ended, I headed back to my seat, only to have an awesome message on the Father heart of God preached by Wes Martin. I went up for the altar call at the end, and poured out even more to the Lord, and got prophesied over that the Lord wanted to show me His compassion and love on an even deeper level, and in so many ways. I asked God to give me a token of this, and then went back to my seat to find a note on top of my coat! The note read "Jarrod, you are the apple of God's eye. You are in the center of His great love for you! The glint in His eye is even dancing, jumping for joy in you. He is so pleased with you." Later tonight, I found out it was Mrs. Picket, one of my spiritual moms, was the one who wrote the note, and had seen me while everyone was dancing around me. It was so awesome, and I just started praising the Lord! She said that God wants to release even more of His love on me... That He is going to remove the log from my eye and teach me even more. God released so much joy into my inner being tonight, and so much peace. I fully trust in Him that He will provide and take care of my every need completely. I don't have to worry about girls or relationships, I will trust in God, even if the rock falls upon me, even if I never find the girl that I'm to spend the rest of this life with, even if God slays me, I will trust Him all the more. Amen.

Job 13:15: - Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Eternity's Start

But that's just it. Eternity doesn't start or have a beginning, nor does it have a stop or an end to it. Eternity is timeless, it doesn't span even more than the width of a trillisecond, nor does it span less than the width of one googolplex years. We have no way to measure it, because our body, mind and soul are all trapped within time. We have no possible way of imagining life outside of time. Eternity is forever and nothing.

Five months and three days ago I made the decision to move from one geographic place to another, and it has been the best thing I've ever done with my life to date (but that's not saying much since I'm only pushing twenty). On February 3rd, it will have marked six months. I've taken a Nazarite vow since I moved out here to Kansas City and have grown my hair out long until then. I found that I like my hair long though, so although I'm getting it cut, I'm mostly just going to get it cut properly so that it can continue to grow out long.

What have I learned the past five+ months? I've learned that when I thought I found the topmost height in God's love, there were still more steps to take, and still thousands of more peaks above me. I've learned that when I thought I found the deepest ocean-bed of God's love, I still had to dig deeper than even that. I've learned that earthly love and relationships, though enticing, are no match whatsoever to what Jesus provides. I've learned that though I've been single all my life and hated it, I can now be single and enjoy it, for however long God calls me to do it. I've learned to play the guitar and am still learning (this makes me happy). I've learned how to make friends. I've learned how to live on my own and with roommates. I've learned how to be responsible for myself. I've learned how to intercede. I've learned how to fast and not ruin my body by doing so. I've learned to eat more responsibly. I've learned that sitting in a pretty prayer room and listening to good music is not what I'm doing, but that I actually have one of the most difficult and yet most powerful jobs in the world. I've learned how to live simply, giving away my money/time/resources without a second thought. I've learned that I have a duty to pray for God's mercy and judgment to pass. I've learned that I don't have a choice anymore, God's will must manifest itself inside of me in order for me to believe that He can do what He's going to do in the days to come. But most importantly, I've learned how to pray.

I only look forward now to what God has for me in Phase Two of this never-ending transformation process. I feel like I've been drinking milk (very potent milk), and now God is opening the door for food. Wheat. Vegetables. Fruit. Meat. Tasty, juicy meat. God is about to unleash even newer levels of every part of Him upon me, and I hope I'm prepared for it. God only knows what I'm going to go through in this next six months.

The season of Trust is past,
Are you ready for the fast?
The next renewal is here,
In whom will you put your fear?
There's nowhere else to turn,
That means it's time to Burn.