Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innocent Blood (An Open Letter to ALL who Vote)

In the past few weeks, I've heard people discussing abortion, and many other issues in America. To my surprise, I've discovered that many people are voting based upon other issues that they think are more important than the issue of abortion. I found it absolutely shocking the lack of knowledge that people have, within Christendom, about the shedding of innocent blood, and how it affects every other issue in the nation. Most of this blog was written in response to another blog posted by a friend of mine (after seeing the amazingly uninformed responses to it - from both sides), but it has been edited and turned into an open letter to anyone and everyone who believes that they should sacrifice the vote of LIFE for "more important" issues.

Most people who oppose the abolishing of abortion, or even agree with it but don't find it a pressing issue (or think other issues are more important), will first justify their opinion by stereotyping everyone who is absolutely against abortion by assuming that they just have a political agenda or are apathetic in their opinions (don't actually do anything about it). Many of their opinions are being expressed with the predisposition that those who are against abortion aren't doing anything about it, and don't care about every other pressing issue in society today. As one of many forerunners in the spirit of John the Baptist, crying out in the wilderness for justice in the nations and the return of Jesus Christ, I humbly disagree.

In my own life, the Lord has burdened my heart for justice in every avenue. I’ve been constantly burdened with the issues of sexual slavery in human trafficking, the oppression of peoples in different nations (Tibet and China, for example), innocent bloodshed and massive holocausts, wars and rumors of wars, and many other present issues – and as an intercessory missionary, it is my career and privilege to stand in the International House of Prayer day and night, and pray for the Lord’s justice in the nations concerning these matters. I believe that prayer is the single most important thing that will resolve these problems - and though I'm sure I'll have many shouts of agreement, the sad fact is almost no one prays for these issues in their personal time with God, or even corporately! Just as bad, they don't even research it for themselves and get the excruciating facts of the present day and age we live in and what's really going on! This is why so many people go astray - finding themselves caught up in humanism (which, although pursues the helping of human-brethren and the bettering of people, is completely absent from God and His Law - i.e. Tower of Babel).

I want to cover the other issues besides abortion before I get into the key issue of America - just so that there's no room for anyone to say that other issues aren't being taken care of or are unimportant: There is an underground prayer movement going on all across the earth, and your local news channel isn't covering it. There are thousands of people that have a burden for the oppressed people of the world - in every single avenue. People are praying for the nations of the world, and crying out for justice in the midst of peril. Teams of people actually going out to rescue human traffic victims and pursue justice in the nations. People are praying for the oppressed, and missionaries are being sent to those nations. Food is being provided. Even from here at IHOP–KC, we have been sending out people, and praying constantly. One absolutely cannot assume that everybody who is against abortion doesn't care about everything else, and just throw them in the same stereotypical bucket, dubbing it "the Republican Party". I am neither a Republican or a Democrat, or even an Independent. I am a Totalitarian—because God is giving the kingdoms of this world to His Son, Jesus Christ, and every nation will be turned over to Him, whether they like it or not. He is the ruler of this World and the only Just King throughout all of history. Neither candidate of this current election is going to fulfill all that they promise. Neither is righteous by any means, nor will either have just reasons for many of their actions if given the position as leader of this nation. Rather than looking at all of the things a candidate promises – all of the changes they plan on making to improve the nation and be the best president this nation has every seen, etc, etc – one must look at the heart issues – the moral issues – the issues that are on God’s heart. And that’s what brings me to my next point.

I want to go into the issue of innocent blood and the reason I will vote solely based upon the issue of abortion. Although abortion is not the only problem going on in our nation, it is the most important right now. God counts the shedding of innocent blood as one of the most vile, evil things a man can do, and a nation will be judged for it. In 2 Samuel 21, the Lord sent a famine for three years throughout the land of Israel because there was innocent bloodshed in Saul’s day, because he slaughtered the Gibeonites. David had to kill the sons of Rizpah and of Merab on the mountain before the Lord in order to appease His anger (immediately following was the first harvest of the year). In Deuteronomy 21, even unsolved murders are so questionable, that they have to measure the distance to every surrounding city of a dead person, and the nearest city has to atone for it with a sacrifice, lest the Lord burn with rage against the nation because of innocent blood. In Psalm 106, the Psalmist writes of the time of Moses, and how the peoples mixed with the nations, served their idols, and sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons, pouring out innocent blood and becoming unclean. This invoked the anger of the Lord and He handed them to the fiercest nations as judgment. Even in the New Testament, Judas throws the thirty pieces of silver back at the priests and proclaims that he has betrayed innocent blood. There are many more scripture references in the Bible pertaining to the issue of innocent blood (Prov. 6:17, Numbers 35:33, Duet. 21:8-9, Ps. 106:35-38, Matthew 27:4, Joel 3:19-21, Jer. 7:5-7, Lam 4:13, Duet 27:25, and more). If abortion is not abolished, judgment will come to America, and war will invade its shores. No one should think that America is different or greater than any other nation throughout history. Babylon was greater than any other nation of its time, and its downfall was swift and strong; it came about like a thief in the night. Even before Babylon, Israel was great and prosperous – but Jeremiah cried out for years while the people falsely prophesied peace and safety. Then it happened in a single unsuspecting day when Babylon invaded and tore down and consumed everything in the land. We must have the wisdom of Daniel in this day and age to listen to the words of the Lord and of His appointed people, and be prepared lest we are lost on that day. This is why abortion is such a pressing issue and why it’s so important right now. It’s not because of some political agenda – it’s because of the law of God. It’s the whole mentality of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” If we overturn abortion, the Lord will have mercy on our nation – and although I agree that to fully end abortion, there must be revelation at the heart level, the nation as a whole will be in right standing with God because it’s laws will be His laws, and He won’t send judgment to the land because of abortion.

I want to also remind people that this issue isn’t hidden from the Lord. It’s not like He doesn’t know about this, and that His heart isn’t burning a million times more than ours are for the unborn children, the poverty-stricken people of the earth, the women and children sold into sexual slavery every day, the oppressed people of many nations by other nations. He has everything figured out in every situation. Abortion is one (huge) part of this, and if Roe v. Wade is turned upside down (which I personally believe it will be), it’s not going to be easy, and it doesn’t just stop there. We must be prepared in this situation to raise these children in the coming times of trouble, and teach them the ways of the Lord. But, I urge you to really stop and think about that. We have the opportunity as a Christian people to raise these children in Godly homes – that they may serve the Lord from birth! That is simply amazing. I question the salvation of anyone who counts that as strife - it is the very message of the gospel. And, in the midst of this, we must not forget the other pressing issues on God’s heart. But, just because we’re dealing with one doesn’t mean we’re forgetting another (they all must be dealt with). However, I guarantee you that if abortion is abolished, we will be on the right track. Just as one example of many, the Lord has placed on Mike Bickle (and another leader here at IHOP–KC - Derek Loux) a Word to raise up a Justice Orphanage Center here in the next few years, where we will be taking in children that are brought into the nation through human trafficking and have no future, as well as children rescued from abortion and ones thrown away by their parents for other various issues. These children will be raised in the house of prayer, and actually learn to play instruments and eventually fuel the prayer movement through prophetic music and prayer, until the return of the Lord. I believe the Lord will place burdens like this one on organizations and people and families all across the nation and world in the coming days and years – as we partner with God to fulfill the coming of His Kingdom here on earth.

To end (and probably offend many people's mindsets): If you vote for anyone who is against LIFE and believes in the freedom of choice of killing innocent lives (even if your reason for voting for them is for other issues), you are responsible and will be held accountable on that day before the Lord. We need to take our membership card to the "Yeah, the Bible says, BUT" club and rip it up in shreds. The Word of God is final. Period. What will you respond with to God when He asks why you were silent during an unprecedented holocaust of 50 million of His children being brutally murdered? Your hands will be dripping with blood.

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it." - Numbers 35:33

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