Sunday, May 11, 2014

Kiss the Son

Oh, hey there. Excuse me while I vacuum all of the internet dust up on this page. It's amazing how life and laziness get in the way of a personal blog. I'm transitioning, oh-so slowly, off of facebook, and I'm going to start putting my more detailed thoughts on this blog once again.

Today I was reading through all of my own blogs, and just seeing the high and low points in my life the past 7 years. It's amazing, like travelling through time. I want to keep doing that. One of the blogs I wrote had to do with the song I put in this blog's title, "Kiss the Son" by Kevin Prosch. It really brings me back to some of the lonely days I had in the prayer room in Kansas City. Music pierces right through you, and brings you back to a particular moment in your life. This song just wrecks me. I'm at a point in my life where things are so busy: I'm maintaining a 40+ hour per week job, while building up our homestead at home, and helping my wife raise our 8-month old daughter (and by helping, I mean Kendra is doing pretty much all of the work because she's amazing). There's just very little time to breathe in-between all that needs done, especially when you spend all your free time staring at facebook, the evil time-sucker of our day and age!

At any rate, back to this song... my favorite line is, "Though you slay me, I will trust You, Lord". It's so good. Even though I feel so spiritually dry right now in life, and feel like God is so distant from me, He is still working in me. I know I'll get through this dry spell, but this helps remind me to trust in God despite not feeling Him right now. He's so good, and so worth it, and has proven Himself so many countless times in my life. He is and always will be my first love, and I'm so thankful that even when I lose my way, He's always there, always patient with me, and just directs me back onto the right path.

Here's to more blogs in 2014 and beyond! Go listen to the song and get wrecked:

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